So today happened.
YouTube has been a bit problematic lately and with the unfortunate e-mail today that I will indeed be losing access to a lot of features, and my network, as of February 20th 2018, I had to quickly and very certainly move ahead with some plans I had been considering, but have now been pushed to acting upon.
So what is happening? Well YouTube basically stripped us, and hundreds of thousands of other small channels, of most of our features, and monetisation, to fix some problem (The email is kinda bad).
Now this isn’t a money issue. This is a “I’ve been at this for 9 years and the goalposts just moved”. Imagine getting an eviction notice and at that same moment being told your eviction is because your rent is increasing. Bit like that.
After this point YouTube has presented a brick wall that has to be climbed, and while many will stick with it, as they aren’t far from the requirements, others don’t get such a luxury.
But instead of give up, I have pushed myself to this point to consolidate all of my media avenues into one thing. So let us begin:
Behind The Game!
Behind The Game will see the least changes.
As always we will post written reviews, articles, discussion pieces, impressions on upcoming games, all the usual content. This will not change.
What will be added however, is podcasts, discussing certain topics in gaming, the previous week in gaming and more.
These podcasts will be held on Twitch, viewable live and linked to both here, and posted here for posterity, as well as available after the fact as on-demand videos on YouTube.
There will also be video impressions on indie games, DLC, other gaming things and more as stand-alone videos available on YouTube, that will be linked here.

This is where the most will change.
Currently we upload episodic Let’s Plays of video games. Now however, that content will not be recorded in advance (Usually, this is situation permitting).
From now on, all the “Let’s Play Content” will be streamed live on Twitch, then uploaded as VoDs onto YouTube, same as the podcasts for Behind The Game.
YouTube will also get the Impressions videos and any other things specifically for Behind The Game that cannot be livestreamed.
This is going to be the most drastic change, but allows us to record footage in better time, and upload it as long form episodes of an hour or two per week.
Finally we come to Twitch.
On Twitch we will host several shows that will replace our LP content on YouTube, such as a retro gaming session, indie session, so on so forth. More so this is where we will host our Podcasts for Behind The Game.
All things streamed on Twitch, whether it be the new “LP” content that will populate YouTube, or Behind The Game podcasts, will be made available on YouTube after the fact.
So In Summary…
Behind The Game – Business as usual, except expect added podcasts and discussions (Hosted on Twitch, then uploaded to YouTube), and Impressions videos (Uploaded to YouTube)
YouTube – Our Let’s Play content will be replaced by live streamed content, made available after streaming on Twitch, and we will add the Impression videos.
Twitch – Twitch will be where we host our livestreamed content, both for gaming and Behind The Game.
So with that said, I hope you enjoy the changes, look forward to some streaming schedules, and go follow both of the channels at the links below. Oh, and stay tuned on Twitter @BritishPlaying for on the fly updates and news on all things BLP and BTG!
Happy Gaming!